The Tool Is Not as Important as the Habit

Sometimes I find myself blaming my lack of motivation on needing [x]. I tell myself “once I get [x], I’ll be firing on all cylinders”.

  • I should be more active — once I get those new shoes / fitness tracker / workout clothes, I’ll be on track!

  • I want to be more consistent with my blog — when I get that new Magic Keyboard for the iPad, I’ll be writing up a storm!

  • I need to drink more water — as soon as that new insulated water bottle gets delivered, I’ll be ready to go!

  • I really want to make better use of my time by creating things more than I consume other people’s things. Create > Consume — those new pens / notebook / drawing app / software updates are on their way, once they are here I can finally capitalize on all this creative energy.

And then on that rare occasion (like this one) I have to remind myself…

The tool is not as important as the habit
— Unknown

I just need to start in any way that I can. Progress is progress. Really and truly—an object in motion stays in motion.

Now let’s go.

Gary Meacher

Creative Professional + Educator + Nerd

Animated Illustrations with Procreate


Comparison & Social Media with Creative Work