According to my Goodreads account, I read 267 books.
I’m Gary Meacher—a creative professional, educator, and nerd. As a visual communicator, I employ the use of design as a tool for solving problems. Let create, learn, and have fun together!
I’m Gary Meacher—a creative professional, educator, and nerd. As a visual communicator, I employ the use of design as a tool for solving problems. Let create, learn, and have fun together!
According to my Goodreads account, I read 267 books.
If you've ever used the familiar idiom "When pigs fly", Pass The Pigs might be the game that makes you keep your word. Tossing pigs around the table, pressing your luck, and amassing points to win the game—thats the story of these 2 little pigs.
I didn't play Attack of the Friday Monsters!—I experienced it. It's not quite like the life simulation of The Sims and it's not quite like the point-and-click adventure of Myst—it's awkwardly in between.
If there's somethin’ strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? Whoever it is, be prepared for some hefty, long-distance charges. Geister, Geister, Schatzsuchmeister is a German tabletop game (google translate tells me it translates to Ghost, Ghost, Treasure Hunters)
I've decided to keep track of all the educator discounts on offer. It is so wonderful to see companies recognize educators and show their support by tossing us a few discounts here and there—thanks!
It is possible to envision a near future in which the most desirable skill is the ability to focus.
Lunch Money is a game that simulates the unforgettable experience of a playground brawl.
You don’t need me to tell you why this has been quite an interesting year (+). Suffice it to say we are all looking to move on and trend towards the new normal—whatever that may be.
Mark Twain said, “there is no such thing as a new idea”. Isn’t that a depressing thought? Of course, that is frequently taken out of context.
When we are closed to ideas what we hear is criticism. When we are open to ideas what we get is advice.
In spite of what I believe to be a well-curated feed, my stream is constantly full of things that crush my spirit, stifle my belief in humanity, and out and out leave me with a pit in my stomach.
I’ve refocused my “free time” after the completion of the Spring semester into exploring Procreate on the iPad Pro. I’ve really enjoyed using it for lettering projects so far—but today I broke the seal on the new(ish) animation feature.
I always play with Black. I'm not sure if it started during my only-wear-black-clothes phase (which never really ended), if it stems from leftover teenage angst, or perhaps it just comes from my contrarian nature. Black has always been the go-to game piece.
Sometimes I find myself blaming my lack of motivation on needing [x]. I tell myself “once I get [x], I’ll be firing on all cylinders”.
My students were paralyzed by all the awesome things people were doing on Instagram and quickly recoiled their enthusiasm.
Applying my lettering practice to an important message during the COVID-19 health crisis.
I realized the conversation revolving around this transition is 99% focused on the tools or technology that enables online learning. I couldn’t help but ask myself about the sense of community, mentorship, and support we as faculty provide to our students.